What is JY music ministry and who is a JY music minister?
A minister is someone who does ministering. A Ministry is a place or platform where ministers with similar interest or passion come and work together for that cause, need, belief or problem.
Jesus Youth is an International Association within the Catholic Church with a focus on evangelizing young people and nurturing their missionary initiatives. Jesus Youth music ministry focuses on building missionary musicians !
A missionary movement at the service of the church
Have a daily ‘quiet time’ with the Lord leading to an experience of the companionship of Jesus, enabling one to have a joyful attitude in daily life.
Keep a regular time for a meditative reading of the Sacred Scripture helping one to seek God’s guidance and shape his/her life according to God’s will.
A frequent and active participation in the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, contributing to a life of wholeness and strength, integral to a person’s growth in holiness.
Live the call to lead a life of the Trinity in communion with one’s brothers and sisters in Christ, through mutual support, encouragement and gentle correction. Cells, small groups, prayer groups, service teams and friendship circles help to make Jesus Youth a family.
Follow the footsteps of the Master who brought the Good News to the poor and stretch out a helping hand to those burdened with poverty and deprivation.
A personal renewal in Jesus leads to a commitment to share the person and message of Jesus with others. This commitment to evangelization is central to the life of every Jesus Youth.
Few sharings by our young missionaries
I think knowing God through music was my biggest blessing through music ministry. It was not just about singing but much more - fellowship, a feeling of family, learning the faith... It has been the best gift that God gave me... To be a part of this wonderful ministry.
It is after coming to music ministry that I got to know more about God. And by knowing God, I also came to realise the true value of my parents and that my talent was a gift from God. Through this music ministry I was able to realise how precious this gift of music is and how rare it is, and how using it for God is the best way I can show my gratitude.
There's no space that his love can't reach There's no place where we can't find peace There's no end to amazing grace ! Though music ministry I got to experience that amazing grace and love of God. Moreover the fellowship and bond we have among us is really great.
Music ministry has been a family which transformed me from a youth to a Jesus Youth. Now it's His music being played through me and I can feel it.....God is great...
Read articles by our music ministers
A minister is someone who does ministering. A Ministry is a place or platform where ministers with similar interest or passion come and work together for that cause, need, belief or problem.
We often see various instances in the Bible that talks about music. It is a unique talent with a lot of purposes. Read more to find out what God expects out of music and how important it is for mankind.
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